Lori at On The Go Acu is the only specifically trained acupuncturists in the Kawartha Lakes and surrounding areas to offer progressive therapies to fight eye disease, improve your vision and maintain healthy eyesight.
Through analysis of your lifestyle and addressing underlying conditions, a treatment program is developed to mprove your vision and promote whole body health.
As you age, the macula breaks down, and conventional medicine takes a wait and see approach to treatment. It does not examine underlying conditions and imbalances that may contribute to or cause degenerative eye disease.
What Can Acupuncture Treatments Do For Your Eyes?
Increase vision
Reduce stress and anxiety
Reduce pain
Improve your lifestyle, as the chance to resume your regular activities is provided
Learn techniques to maintain positive eye health and healing
Acupuncture and the Treatment of Vision Related Conditions
Eye conditions continue to be an ever present problem for health and wellness.
At On The Go Acu, acupuncture is being used to treat:
Macular degeneration
Eye strain, from computer use
Diabetic retinopaty
Dry eyes
Glaucoma and much more
Acupuncture and Maintaining Positive Eyesight
Improvements in your vision may take time and it is essential to maintain your recovered vision. Maintenance treatments will help you retain recovered eyesight and continue to reduce the effects of degenerative eye conditions. Lori will help you develop an individualized treatment plan with your vision health goals in mind.
How will my treatment plan be developed?
Your first visit will be a 15 minute consultation to discuss your eye concerns and the treatment protocol. From here, the protocol would start with various eye tests to see where your vision is at and get a better understanding of what your vision is presently.
How long can I expect to receive acupuncture?
Here is an example of a typical eye treatment protocol for Macular degeneration:
2 treatments per day with a break in between.
Needles would be inserted in the hands and feet. No needles will go in the eyes.
Treatments will be from Monday to Friday for 2 weeks.
To maintain the positive results of you acupuncture treatment , we usually recommend acupuncture once a week, although some people are able to spread that to once per month. In certain cases, in the first year, we may recommend a follow up intensive 2 week treatment several months later. These recommendations will vary based on the stage of the initial problem.
Can I Use Acupuncture as an Alternative to Other Treatments?
Yes! A whole body holistic approach is key to your health and wellness.
Acupuncture can also support and compliment conventional and alternative treatments you are exploring. Acupuncture focuses on overall wellness and reducing stress. The positive results you experience from acupuncture treatments will carry through to positive whole body health. The reduction of pain for many can reduce the need for pain and other medications, reducing side effects from these conventional treatments.
Are There Risks to Acupuncture for the Treatment of Eye Conditions?
Like any treatment, there are certain risks when it comes to treatment of eye conditions through acupuncture. That’s why it’s important to choose an acupuncturist who has undergone specific training for the use of acupuncture in the treatment of eye conditions. Lori has gone through specific training to provide you with the best care for your body, mind, and soul. She is the only acupuncturists in Kawartha Lakes and surrounding areas that has received training in this area.
What can I expect my treatment to cost?
The fee for eye acupuncture is $85 per treatment. An initial intensive plan consisting of 2 treatments per day for 2 weeks will cost $1700. Special if you complete all treatments you will receive $200 off bring your total to $1500.