When I think of summer I think of warmer weather, time at the cottage, relaxing in my garden or spending time with my kids at the beach. Conversely, for some the challenge of planning activities for kids and planning vacations is enough to send stress levels soaring. It can also be a time of bug bites, sunburn and heat stroke.
Before heading out to the beach, on a camping trip or other summer activity, pack an essential oil summer survival kit with some of the following essential oils.
One of the best and most well known oils is Lavender. Lavender has a beautiful, versatile aroma. It is anti-bacterial, a couple of drops on a band aid will aid in healing. It really should be a must for a first aid kit. It has sedative properties, and can be used to eliminate nervous tension, help to calm and relax the body and can also be used as a sleep aid. It addition, Lavender relaxes muscles, is a pain reliever and when properly diluted can be used as a topical treatment for dry skin, eczema and insect bites.
Tea tree oil is also on the All Star Team of essential oils. Tea tree oil is antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic and a stimulant. It can be used to help speed the healing process, it makes for a good insect repellent, can be used as a hand sanitizer. It also helps to fight acne, nail fungus and is also an anti inflammatory for the skin. If you find yourself with a summer cold, tea tree oil is good for congestion and clearing the airway. You could relax in a warm tub and let the steam vapours work their magic.
The health benefits of frankincense essential oil cant be overlooked. Its attributes include being an antiseptic, disinfectant, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, sedative, tonic and also promotes urination. Apart from being used as a cosmetic and a fragrance, frankincense oil has numerous medicinal uses; it is a digestive aid, it helps eliminate gas build up in the body, reduces scars. It helps strengthen our immune systems and has anti aging properties.
The wonderful benefits of lemon oil include its ability to treat skin disorders, hair conditions, stress disorders, fever, infections, asthma, obesity, insomnia, stomach problems, and fatigue. Further, its also sleep inducing, and has anti-fungal properties. While we all know that lemons are wonderful to add to our water and help our liver detox, the essential oil of lemon is a good remedy for restoring the luster of dull skin, it rejuvenates sagging or tired looking skin. It is calming in nature and helps with mental fatigue, anxiety, exhaustion and nervousness. It can be used as an air freshener to increase concentration and alertness either at work or on long drives.
Finally, my favorite oil is peppermint. Peppermint has an ability to treat indigestion, respiratory problems, nausea, fever, headache, pain and stomach issues. When used externally it helps with muscle pain and swelling. It also helps relieve congestion, suppress appetite and boosts energy. When diluted it can be directly applied to your temples for a headache. During the summer Peppermint oil can be used to cool the surface of the body, you could apply a drop to the inside of your wrists, forearm or even back. You could also add a few drops to a spray bottle and spray your arms and legs.
You can mix oils to create wonderful things. To make a natural insect repellent use lavender, tea tree, peppermint and mix with water in a spray bottle. If you haven’t tried using essential oils, now that its summer is the perfect time to start.
This was originally published in MyKawartha June 18, 2018